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A Proven New Tool To Sell More Custom Wheels in 2023

Sell More Custom Wheels with Wheels Visualizer

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Every wheel & tire shop wants to sell more custom wheels. Imagine if customers could virtually try every wheel before purchasing.

Sell More Custom Wheels with Wheels Visualizer Technologies

Wheel Visualizer has improved digital visualization in the automotive customization space with the recently released Wheel Visualizer API. Our wheels visualizer and augmented reality technology allow users to see virtually what their vehicle would look like with different wheel styles before ever making a decision. These new technologies haven’t only helped customers make their decision, but they have also become powerful sales tools for shops and salesmen in the industry to sell more custom wheels. 

Growing Virtual Inventory

Traditionally when a customer sets out for new wheels, they walk into a shop to physically see the inventory on the wall. This provides a limitation to both the customer and the shop. The space on the wall can only showcase a sparse amount of wheel styles, limiting the options for the customer and potentially losing a sale if they don’t see a style they like. The display wall also isn’t conducive to staying up-to-date with new wheel designs.

To solve these challenges and provide a simpler & faster way for shop operators to sell, we created the Wheels Visualizer API. 

Easy-To-Use Visualizer 

The Wheels Visualizer API can be used on either a phone or a tablet for both customers and shop employees alike. 

The user simply chooses their vehicle’s year, make, model, and options. Then the vehicle will pop up on the screen with finish color and wheel selections that the user can try as much as they want before requesting a quote.

Changing the wheels through the API is now a whole lot simpler than before and only involves clicking a different wheel to select different styles. The finish can also be altered and changed through the API. 

Customers can either use the API themselves, or the salesperson behind the counter can help the process with a tablet or phone.

Sell More Custom Wheels with Wheels Visualizer

In-Store Solutions

We understand wheels. And we know the companies who manufacture them! We hand-selected high-quality wheel companies whose goods exhibit a love of design and craftsmanship. Wheel Visualizer provides you with all the resources and connects you directly with the top wheel manufacturers in the world, from the firms that make the current urban wheel designs to the ones that meticulously build reproduction wheel lines for historic automobiles.

Sell More Custom Wheels with Wheels Visualizer

Since the release of the Wheels Visualizer API last year, it has become a useful tool for shops to sell more wheels and further grow their sales. 

Employees are able to walk out to the customer’s vehicle with them, pull up the API, and show them exactly what their vehicle would look like with different wheel styles. This saves the shop time and, ultimately, money, as well as provides a way for salesmen to show wheel designs that they may not have in the shop at the moment. Customers can also send screenshots from the API to quickly get the opinion of their spouse or friends before actually moving forward with the installation.  

Another way shops can take advantage of the Wheels Visualizer API is by virtual showing customers what their vehicle would look like if there weren’t any nicks or worn-off paint on their wheels. Seeing a visualization of their vehicle with a new set of wheels could potentially spark an interest that would not have risen without the virtual image.

If you are a custom wheel & tire shop, customizer, or dealership and want to explore opportunities in Wheels Visualizer for your business, contact Susan (318) 294-9355 or Harold (469) 536-8478, or get started today